Nuo Workplace - Office Accessories - Aquariums and Planters


Office Aquariums provide a sense of connection to nature. A grounding and calming effect in an otherwise stressful environment. The animals in these managed Aquariums give the opportunity for staff to unwind and relax for a moment as they become absorbed into the playful day-to-day interactions of these wonderful aquatic creatures.

Office Aquariums come as a fully managed solution where the tanks, fillings and aquatic life are regularly attended to and looked after for a low monthly contract fee.


Plants and greenery are at the heart of an effective office space. They are the lifeblood that brings nature closer to the otherwise square, stale and monotonous setting we place ourselves within 8 hours a day, five days a week.

Plants break up the straight lines of conventional office blocks. They provide texture, context, calmness and overall better wellbeing of the office cohabiters by bringing the outdoor, in.

Amongst other uses, planters can be utilised effectively as work space dividers, providing rudimentary privacy between various work zones or walkways. They can help define a space and its use along with providing a much needed pop of colour.

Office Planters generally come in two varieties:

  • Fully Managed live plants which are regularly attended to and looked after for a low monthly contract fee.
  • Plastic replicas that need no looking after (apart from a good dusting now and again).

If you are interested in any Planters or Aquatic products for the Office, please get in touch